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HomeHealthGuhyaroga Vijnaniyam (Data of Illnesses of Genital Organs)

Guhyaroga Vijnaniyam (Data of Illnesses of Genital Organs)


The thirty third chapter of Uttara Sthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is called as ‘Guhyaroga Vijnaniya’. This chapter offers with the reason of ‘Data of ailments of genital organs’.

The subjects coated on this chapter embrace –

Guhyaroga Vijnaniyam (Data of Illnesses of Genital Organs)
  • Nidana – causes
  • Upadamsha
  • Medhrarshas – Yonyarshas
  • Sarshapika
  • Avamantha
  • Kumbhika
  • Alaji & Uttama
  • Pushkarika
  • Samvyudha Pitika
  • Mridita
  • Asthilika
  • Nivritta
  • Avapatika
  • Niruddhamani
  • Gratitha
  • Sparshahani
  • Shataponaka
  • Tvakpaka
  • Mamsapaka
  • Raktarbuda – Mamsarbuda – Vidradhi
  • Tilakalaka
  • Sadhyasadhya – prognosis
  • Yoni Vyapat – problems of vagina
  • Vatiki Yoni Vyapat
  • Aticharana
  • Prakcharana
  • Udavritta
  • Jataghni
  • Antarmukhi
  • Suchimukhi
  • Shushka Yoni
  • Vamini
  • Shandha
  • Mahayoni
  • Paittiki Yoni Vyapat
  • Rakta Yoni Vyapat
  • Shlaishmiki – Yoni Vyapat
  • Lohitakshaya
  • Paripluta
  • Upapluta
  • Vipluta
  • Karnini
  • Sannipatika Yoni Vyapat

Pledge by the creator(s)

अथातो गुह्यरोगविज्ञानीयं व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having supplied prayers to the God, henceforth we’re going to clarify the chapter pertaining to the reason of ‘Data of ailments of the genital organs’. Thus, say (pledge) Atreya and different sages.

Nidana: Causes

स्त्रीव्यवायनिवृत्तस्य सहसा भजतोऽथवा ।
दोषाध्युषितसङ्कीर्णमलिनाणुरजःपथाम् ॥ १ ॥
अन्ययोनिमनिच्छन्तीमगम्यां नवसूतिकाम् ।
दूषितं स्पृशतस्तोयं रतान्तेष्वपि नैव वा ॥ २ ॥
विवर्धयिषया तीक्ष्णान् प्रलेपादीन् प्रयच्छतः ।
मुष्टिदन्तनखोत्पीडाविषवच्छूकपातनैः ॥ ३ ॥
वेगनिग्रहदीर्घातिखरस्पर्शविघट्टनैः ।
दोषा दुष्टा गता गुह्यं त्रयोविंशतिमामयान् ॥ ४ ॥
Indulging in copulation immediately (for the second time), instantly after retiring from the primary, copulating with girls having their menstrual tract (vagina) vitiated by the doshas, congested, contaminated and significantly narrowed, copulating with the opposite vagina (of animals); with the girl who’s unwilling, who’s forbidden, who has simply delivered, touching (washing the penis in) soiled water, not washing all of it after copulation making use of sturdy appearing pastes (of herbs and so forth.) need to extend penis, getting injured (bruised) from assault by the fist, enamel, nails and software of paste of toxic bugs, suppression of the urges, lengthy contact with very tough supplies, scorching or blow (by chance); by these causes the doshas grow to be aggravated, get localized within the genital organ (penis) and produce twenty-three ailments corresponding to Upadamsha and so forth.


उपदंशोऽत्र पञ्चधा ।
पृथग्दोषैः सरुधिरैः समस्तैश्चात्र मारुतात् ॥ ५ ॥
मेढ्रे शोफो रुजश्चित्राः स्तम्भस्त्वक्परिपोटनम् ।
पक्वोदुम्बरसङ्काशः पित्तेन श्वयथुर्ज्वरः ॥ ६ ॥
श्लेष्मणा कठिनः स्निग्धः कण्डूमाञ्छीतलो गुरुः ।
शोणितेनासितस्फोटसम्भवोऽस्रस्रुतिर्ज्वरः ॥ ७ ॥
सर्वजे सर्वलिङ्गत्वं श्वयथुर्मुष्कयोरपि ।
तीव्रा रुगाशुपचनं दरणं कृमिसम्भवः ॥ ८ ॥
याप्यो रक्तोद्भवस्तेषां मृत्यवे सन्निपातजः ।
Upadamsha is of 5 varieties; one from every dosha individually, one from blood and the fifth from all of the doshas collectively. In that attributable to Vata, there’s swelling within the penis, ache of assorted varieties, stiffness, cracks on pores and skin of penis. It seems just like the ripe fruit of Ficus racemosa, together with swelling and fever in that attributable to Pitta; in that attributable to Kapha, the penis seems arduous, greasy, itching, chilly and heavy; that as a consequence of blood, is vulnerable to develop black coloured vesicles, bleeding and fever. That attributable to all of the doshas, has options of all of the doshas, swelling even of the scrotum, extreme ache, ripens (suppurates) rapidly, putrefaction and look of worms are seemingly. Amongst these, that born from blood is controllable however persist lengthy, that from all of the doshas collectively goes to kill the particular person.

Medhrarshas: Yonyarshas

जायन्ते कुपितैर्दोषैर्गुह्यासृक्पिशिताश्रयैः ॥ ९ ॥
अन्तर्बहिर्वा मेढ्रस्य कण्डूला मांसकीलकाः ।
पिच्छिलास्रस्रवा योनौ तद्वच्च छत्रसन्निभाः ॥ १० ॥
तेऽर्शांस्युपेक्षया घ्नन्ति मेढ्रपुंस्त्वं भगार्तवं ।
Mamsakilaka (projections of muscle) produced by the aggravated doshas, localized within the blood and muscle of the penis, creating both inside or exterior of penis, having itching and discharge of slimy blood. It happens in the identical approach within the vagina, resembling an umbrella. These are known as Arshas, when uncared for (Medhrarshas) causes lack of penis and masculine efficiency; (and yonyarasas) causes lack of feminine genitals and menstruation.


गुह्यस्य बहिरन्तर्वा पिटिकाः कफरक्तजाः ॥ ११ ॥
सर्षपामानसंस्थाना घनाः सर्षपिकाः स्मृताः ।
Eruptions creating both inside or exterior the genitals (penis and vagina), attributable to Kapha and rakta (blood) resembling Brassica juncea in measurement and form and arduous are often called Sarshapika.


पिटिका बहवो दीर्घा दीर्यन्ते मध्यतश्च याः ॥ १२ ॥
सोऽवमन्थः कफासृग्भ्यां वेदनारोमहर्षवान् ।
Pitikas attributable to Kapha and blood, a couple of in quantity, elongated, tearing within the center, accompanied with ache and horripilation is Avamantha.


कुम्भीका रक्तपित्तोत्था जाम्बवास्थिनिभाशुजा ॥१३॥
Kumbhika is born from Rakta and Pitta, resembles the Kernel of Syzygium cumini fruit and develops quickly.

Alaji & Uttama

अलजीं मेहवद्विद्यादुत्तमां पित्तरक्तजाम् ।
पिटिकां माषमुद्गाभां

Alaji is much like Alaji belonging to Prameha. Uttama is Pitika born from Pitta and rakta resembling Vigna mungo or Vigna radiata.


पिटिका पिटिकाचिता ॥ १४ ॥
कर्णिका पुष्करस्येव ज्ञेया पुष्करिकेति सा
Pitika surrounded by small eruptions just like the pushkara karnikka is named Pushkarika.

Samvyudha Pitika

पाणिभ्यां भृशसंव्यूढे संव्यूढपिटिका भवेत् ॥ १५ ॥
Pitika attributable to arduous rubbing of the penis by the arms is Samvyudha Pitika.


मृदितं मृदितं वस्त्रसंरब्धं वातकोपतः ।
Mridita is a contusion of the penis attributable to rubbing it with tough fabric and so forth. and attributable to aggravation of Vata.


विषमा कठिना भुग्ना वायुनाऽष्ठीलिका स्मृता ॥१६॥
The penis changing into curved/distorted, arduous and bent attributable to Vayu is named Asthilika.


विमर्दनादिदुष्टेन वायुना चर्म मेढ्रजम् ।
निवर्तते सरुग्दाहं क्वचित्पाकं च गच्छति ॥ १७ ॥
पिण्डितं ग्रन्थितं चर्म तत्प्रलम्बमधो मणेः ।
निवृत्तसञ्ज्ञं सकफं कण्डूकाठिन्यवत्तु तत् ॥ १८ ॥
Vata present process aggravation by arduous rubbing and so forth., the fore-skin of the penis goes again related to ache, burning sensation and generally suppuration happens, the pores and skin turns into folded, knotted and hangs under the glans, having Kapha, itching and hardness, This is named Nivritta.


दुरूढं स्फुटितं चर्म निर्दिष्टमवपाटिका ।
The pores and skin which doesn’t heal correctly, which is cracked is named Avapatika.


वातेन दूषितं चर्म मणौ सक्तं रुणद्धि चेत् ॥ १९ ॥
स्रोतो मूत्रं ततोऽभ्येति मन्दधारमवेदनम् ।
मणेर्विकाशरोधश्च स निरुद्धमणिर्गदः ॥ २० ॥

The pores and skin vitiated by Vata, adhering to the penis obstructs the channel of urine, then the urine flows out in sluggish stream and with out ache, there’s obstruction to the publicity of the glans. This illness is named Niruddhamani.


लिङ्गं शूकैरिवापूर्णं ग्रथिताख्यं कफोद्भवम् ।
The penis showing as if filled with thorns is named Gratitha and is of Kapha origin.


शूकदूषितरक्तोत्था स्पर्शहानिस्तदाह्वया ॥ २१ ॥
Sparshahani is that which arises from blood and arises as a consequence of vitiated toxic worms.


छिद्रैरणुमुखैर्यत्तु मेहनं सर्वतश्चितम् ।
वातशोणितकोपेन तं विद्याच्छतपोनकम् ॥ २२ ॥
Penis creating small holes throughout its floor attributable to the aggravation of Vata and Shonita (blood) is named Shataponaka.


पित्तासृग्भ्यां त्वचः पाकस्त्वक्पाको ज्वरदाहवान् ।
The pores and skin present process paka (suppuration ulceration) attributable to Pitta and asrik (blood) accompanied with fever and burning sensation is Tvakpaka.


मांसपाकः सर्वजः सर्ववेदनो मांसशातनः ॥ २३ ॥
Mamsapaka is attributable to all of the doshas collectively, having all of the options and results in the muscular tissues falling off.

Raktarbuda, Mamsarbuda, Vidradhi

सरागैरसितैः स्फोटैः पिटिकाभिश्च पीडितम् ।
मेहनं वेदना चोग्रा तं विद्यादसृगर्बुदम् ॥ २४ ॥
Penis creating purple and black vesicles and eruptions, having extreme ache must be understood as Asrik Arbuda.

मांसार्बुदं प्रागुदितं विद्रधिश्च त्रिदोषजः ।
Mamsarbuda has been described earlier (chapter 29), so additionally Vidrdhi which arises from all of the three doshas (Chapter 11 of Nidana Sthana).


कृष्णानि भूत्वा मांसानि विशीर्यन्ते समन्ततः ॥२५॥
पक्वानि सन्निपातेन तान् विद्यात्तिलकालकान् ।
Black moles develop on the penis, the muscular tissues fall off in all places, undergoes suppuration / ulceration quickly attributable to all of the doshas collectively is named Tilakalaka.

Sadhyasadhyata: Prognosis

मांसोत्थमर्बुदं पाकं विद्रधिं तिलकालकान् ॥ २६ ॥
चतुरो वर्जयेदेषां शेषाञ्छीघ्रमुपाचरेत् ।
Mamsarbuda, Mamsapaka, Vidradhi and Tilakalaka these 4 ailments must be rejected, the remaining must be handled rapidly.

Yoni Vyapat: Problems of vagina

विंशतिर्व्यापदो योनेर्जायन्ते दुष्टभोजनात् ॥ २७
Twenty ailments of the vagina come up due to consuming unhealthy meals.

Vatiki Yoni Vyapat

विषमस्थाङ्गशयनभृशमैथुनसेवनैः ।
दुष्टार्तवादपद्रवैर्बीजदोषेण दैवतः ॥ २८ ॥
योनौ क्रुद्धोऽनिलः कुर्याद्रुक्तोदायामसुप्तताः ।
पिपीलिकासृप्तिमिव स्तम्भं कर्कशतां स्वनम् ॥ २९ ॥ फेनिलारुणकृष्णाल्पतनुरूक्षार्तवस्रुतिम् ।
स्रंसं वङ्क्षणपार्श्वादौ व्यथां गुल्मं क्रमेण च ॥ ३० ॥
तांस्तांश्च स्वान् गदान् व्यापद्वातिकी नाम सा स्मृता |
Improper postures throughout residing, sleeping, extra of sexual activity, vitiation of the menstrual movement, use of unhealthy supplies (as substitutes for the phallus), problems of the seed (ovum) and results of actions of earlier lives, by these causes Vata will get aggravated within the vagina and produces ache, pricking and dilating sorts of ache, lack of sensation, feeling of ants crawling, lack of motion, roughness and noise (gasoline popping out with noise) and discharge of menstrual blood which is frothy, slight reddish black, skinny and dry (non- unctuous), drooping of groins and flanks, discomfort and gradual growth of belly tumor. All these totally different sorts of ailments are known as Vatiki (Yoni Vyapat).


सैवातिचरणा शोफसंयुक्तातिव्यवायतः ॥ ३१ ॥
Aticharana is the same one accompanied with swelling (of the vagina) attributable to extra copulation.


मैथुनादतिबालायाः पृष्ठजङ्घोरुवङ्क्षणम् ।
रुजन् सन्दूषयेद्योनिं वायुः प्राक्चरणेति सा ॥ ३२ ॥
Copulation in a really younger woman, produces ache in her again, calves, thighs and groins and Vata vitiates the vagina. It is named Prakcharana.


वेगोदावर्तनाद्योनिं प्रपीडयति मारुतः ।
सा फेनिलं रजः कृच्छ्रादुदावृत्तं विमुञ्चति ॥ ३३ ॥
Vata aggravated by suppression of the urges, torments the vagina and expels frothy menstrual blood with problem, resulting in the vaginal illness known as Udavarta.


जातघ्नी तु यदानिलः ।
जातं जातं सुतं हन्ति रौक्ष्याद्दुष्टार्तवोद्भवम् ॥३४॥
Jataghni is attributable to Vata by rising the dryness of the vitiated menstrual blood; it kills each youngster that’s born.


अत्याशिताया विषमं स्थितायाः सुरते मरुत् ।
अन्नेनोत्पीडितो योनेः स्थितः स्रोतसि वक्रयेत् ॥३५॥
सास्थिमांसं मुखं तीव्ररुजमन्तर्मुखीति सा ।
Indulging in copulation after a heavy meal or adopting irregular postures, Vata pressed by the meals, will get localised within the vagina and distorts the channels together with bones and muscular tissues across the opening of vagina
together with extreme ache, is named Antarmukhi.


वातलाहारसेविन्यां जनन्यां कुपितोऽनिलः ॥ ३६ ॥
स्त्रियो योनिमणुद्वारां कुर्यात्सूचीमुखीति सा
Vata getting aggravated in these girls who take pleasure in Vata rising meals, producing causes narrowing of the vaginal passage in girls, that is known as Suchimukhi.

Shushka Yoni

वेगरोधादृतौ वायुर्दुष्टो विण्मूत्रसङ्ग्रहम् ॥ ३७ ॥
करोति योनेः शोषं च शुष्काख्या सातिवेदना ।
Because of the behavior of suppressing the urges (through the interval of menstruation), Vata getting aggravated, causes accumulation of feces and urine and causes dryness of the vagina, accompanied with extreme ache. That is known as Shushka Yoni.


षडहात्सप्तरात्राद्वा शुक्रं गर्भाशयान्मरुत् ॥ ३८ ॥
वमेत्सरुङ्नीरुजो वा यस्याः सा वामिनी मता ।
Both on the sixth day or seventh day, the semen is vomited (expelled) out of the uterus, both accompanied with ache or with out ache by Vata that is known as Vamini.


योनौ वातोपतप्तायां स्त्रीगर्भे बीजदोषतः ॥ ३९ ॥
नृद्वेषिण्यस्तनी च स्यात्षण्ढसञ्ज्ञाऽनुपक्रमा ।
The girl who resents options of aggravation of Vata in uterus and vagina as a consequence of defect within the seed, who hates males and has no (developed) breasts is named Shandha and can’t be cured.


दुष्टो विष्टभ्य योन्यास्यं गर्भकोष्ठं च मारुतः ॥४०॥
कुरुते विवृतां स्रस्तां वातिकीमिव दुःखिताम् ।
उत्सन्नमांसां तामाहुर्महायोनिं महारुजाम् ॥४१॥
Vata getting vitiated, obstructing the vaginal passage, the mouth and cavity of the uterus, causes them to dilate, droop down and ache like that of Vatiki (described earlier) muscular tissues protrude out and trigger extreme ache. This is named Mahayoni.

Paittiki Yoni Vyapat

यथास्वैर्दूषणैर्दुष्टं पित्तं योनिमुपाश्रितम् ।
करोति दाहपाकोषापूतिगन्धिज्वरान्विताम् ॥ ४२ ॥
भृशोष्णभूरिकुणपनीलपीतासितार्तवाम् ।
सा व्यापत्पैत्तिकी
Pitta getting aggravated by its personal causes getting localized in vagina produces burning sensation, suppuration/ ulceration, heat, foul scent, fever, discharge of menstrual blood which may be very scorching, giant in amount, of cadaveric scent, blue, yellow or black in colour. These are options of Paittika (yoni vyapat).

Rakta Yoni Vyapat

रक्तयोन्याख्याऽसृगतिस्रुतेः ॥ ४३ ॥
When there’s copious discharge of blood it is named Raktayoni.

Shlaishmiki: Yoni Vyapat

कफोऽभिष्यन्दिभिः क्रुद्धः कुर्याद्योनिमवेदनाम् ।
शीतलां कण्डुलां पाण्डुपिच्छिलां तद्विधस्रुतिम् ॥४४॥
सा व्यापच्छ्लैष्मिकी
Kapha getting aggravated by use of meals which enhance moisture results in Shlaihsmiki (Kaphajayoni Vyapat), characterised by absence of ache, feeling of chilly, itching and discharge of pale, slimy blood of that sort. That is known as Shliahsmiki yoni vyapat.


वातपित्ताभ्यां क्षीयते रजः ।
सदाहकार्श्यवैवर्ण्यं यस्याः सा लोहितक्षया ॥ ४५ ॥|
Loss or lower of menstrual blood is attributable to aggravation of Vata and Pitta collectively and is accompanied with burning sensation, emaciation, and discoloration. That is known as Lohitakshaya.


पित्तलाया नृसंवासे क्षवथूद्गारधारणात् ।
इत्तयुक्तेन मरुता योनिर्भवति दूषिता ॥ ४६ ॥
शूना स्पर्शासहा सार्तिर्नीलपीतास्रवाहिनी ।
बस्तिकुक्षिगुरुत्वातीसारारोचककारिणी ॥ ४७ ॥
श्रोणिवङ्क्षणरुक्तोदज्वरकृत्सा परिप्लुता ।
The girl belonging to pitta structure, who suppresses the urges of sneezing and belching throughout copulation, goes in for aggravation of Vata together with Pitta, which collectively vitiate the vagina, which turns into swollen, illiberal to the touch, painful, exuding blue and yellow blood, related to feeling of heaviness of the urinary bladder and stomach, diarrhoea, lack of style/urge for food, ache within the waist, groin, pricking ache and fever. This illness is Paripluta.


वातश्लेष्मामयव्याप्ता श्वेतपिच्छिलवाहिनी ॥ ४८ ॥
उपप्लुता स्मृता
This having the options of enhance of Vata and Kapha, exudes blood which is white and slimy, that is Upapluta yoni.


योनिर्विप्लुताख्या त्वधावनात् ।
सञ्जातजन्तुः कण्डूला कण्ड्वा चातिरतिप्रिया ॥ ४९
Vipluta is because of not washing the vagina (clearing once more), provides rise to progress of worms (micro organism and so forth.) and itching, due to itching the girl wishes copulation usually.


अकालवाहनाद्वायुः श्लेष्मरक्तविमूर्छितः ।
कर्णिकां जनयेद्योनौ रजोमार्गनिरोधिनीम् ॥ ५० ॥
सा कर्णिनी
By untimely initiation of the urges, Vata getting aggravated together with Kapha and blood produces Karnika (sprouts of muscular tissues) of vagina, obstructing the channel of the menstrual blood. This is named Karnini.

Sannipatika Yoni Vyapat

त्रिभिर्दोषैर्योनिगर्भाशयाश्रितैः ।
यथास्वोपद्रवकरैर्व्यापत्सा सान्निपातिकी ॥ ५१
Illnesses come up together with secondary affections from the aggravation of all of the doshas collectively localized in vagina and uterus, having all of the options. That is known as Sannipatiki yoni Vyapat.

Yoni rogas resulting in different ailments

इति योनिगदा नारी यैः शुक्रं न प्रतीच्छति ।
ततो गर्भं न गृह्णाति रोगांश्चाप्नोति दारुणान् |
असृग्दरार्शोगुल्मादीन् आबाधांश्चानिलादिभिः ॥ ५२ ॥
These are the ailments of the Vagina, by which the girl doesn’t retain the semen, nor develop the embryo and purchase extreme (troublesome to treatment) ailments corresponding to menorrhagia, haemorrhoids, belly tumor and so forth. ailments produced by Vata.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने गुह्यरोगविज्ञानीयो नाम त्रयस्त्रिंशोऽध्याय ॥ ३३ ॥
Thus, ends the chapter-Guhyarogavijnaniya- the thirty third in Uttarsthana of Astanga Hridaya Samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vadiyapati Simhagupta.



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